Médecins du Monde The Organisation
Médecins du Monde – Greece (Doctors of the World – Greece), founded in 1990, is a medical, humanitarian Non-Governmental Organisation, a member of the International Network of Médecins du Monde, which consists of 17 delegations. MdM-Greece’s guiding principle is that every human being has the right to humanitarian assistance, regardless of gender, origin, sexual orientation, religion, ideology or political belief. Accordingly, MdM-Greece operates on the principles of neutrality and impartiality. However, the fact that we maintain our neutrality does not prevent us from speaking openly about human rights abuses when we witness them ourselves. Wherever possible, we highlight the dangers of such abuses, either through tacit diplomacy or through our intervention in the media.
Ever since its inception, MdM-Greece has been promoting the messages of the Alma Ata Declaration (1978) on Primary Health Care and Universal Health Coverage. For MdM-Greece, the foundation of the three dimensions of health is crucial, namely that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or disability, and it is a basic right of every human being. For MdM-Greece, human health and human rights are inseparable and integrally linked in an equation composed of public health, ethics and human rights.


Île de lumière. Off the China Sea, a ship carrying 2,564 Vietnamese refugees drifted off course. Desperate people raised a banner: “We are threatened with famine and epidemics. United Nations, save us!” A team of medical doctors, set out on a hospital ship, the Île de lumière, to provide medical assistance and witness the suffering of the people on the boat.

The establishment. Médecins du Monde is founded in France with the aim “To go where others will not, to testify to the intolerable, and to volunteer“.

The MdM logo. The first MdM logo was introduced in 1981, depicting a dove with an olive branch in red. In the following years, the logo continued to evolve, with the dove becoming even more prominent. Finally, in November 1988, the current logo was designed.

The Ottawa Charter. On 21 November 1986, the first World Health Organisation International Conference on Health Promotion was held in Ottawa, Canada. Representatives of Médecins du Monde participated in the conference which was primarily aimed at responding directly to the then increasing expectations of a new public health movement around the world.

Community-based Health. Establishment of community health care programs to protect vulnerable key populations, such as Health Centers and Harm Reduction Programs.

My life is her life. Médecins du Monde international campaign for the provision of child care in developing countries.

The founding act of Médecins du Monde Greece. In the spring of 1990 and after 2 years of deliberations, 72 volunteers meet and decide to establish Médecins du Monde – Greek Delegation. President of the founding board of directors is the Professor of the Medical School of Athens, Theophilos Rosenberg.

The Krakow Charter. The Charter for Humanitarian Action was adopted by the European Conference on Humanitarian Medicine and Human Rights co-organised by Médecins du Monde with other humanitarian organisations in 1990 in Krakow and signed by 400 delegates. The main message of the conference was that “the principle of non-intervention stops precisely at the point where the risk of non-provision of aid arises”.

Kurdistan – Iraq. Médecins du Monde Greece first mission abroad, to the hospital in the city of Rania.

Medical Humanitarian Mission to Armenia. Deployment of a surgical team and provision of medical supplies during the war in Nagorno Karabakh.

Humanitarian Aid Mission in Somalia. Continuation of Health Care in Wajid and Hudur regions.

DROM Network. Establishment of the National DROM Network with the participation of Médecins du Monde for the defence of the rights of Roma in tents in Greece.

Open Polyclinic in Athens. The operation of the Open Polyclinic of Médecins du Monde in Vathis Square begins, providing health care services. In 2003, the Polyclinic will be relocated to Sapfous Street, in the center of Athens.

Gallikos River. Immediate support and assistance for the relocation of the approximately 2.000 flood-affected Roma living in tents from the overflow of the Galikos River in Central Macedonia to safe places.

Campaign against Landmines in Evros and years of pressure on the Greek State for the immediate implementation of the abolition of anti-personnel mines.

Streets of Athens. Médecins du Monde Greece harm reduction and primary medical care and psychosocial counselling project for drug users.

Protection of Asylum seekers. Operation of the Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers in the Municipality of Penteli in cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Health and Welfare and the European Commission.

Kosovo war. Strengthening Local Health Systems in Kosovo and Serbia during the period 1999-2001

Open Polyclinic in Thessaloniki. Médecins du Monde Greece Open Polyclinic in Thessaloniki starts operating, providing services to more than 1.000 people every month.

Accommodation Program “Nausika” which provided housing and psychosocial care to asylum seekers and refugees in the Municipality of Athens.

The war in Iraq. MdM-Greece transports 1.000 tons of humanitarian essentials supplies to Iraq. The first international NGO to enter the country

Crisis in Palestine. Two-year project to support health centres and provide primary health care in the West Bank.

Calypso. Launch and three-year implementation of the National Center for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking “Calypso” with a capacity of 12 seats in cooperation with the relevant authorities. Promote a reform framework for the protection of victims of trafficking, organisation of a special workshop with the participation of international institutions and experts.

Tsunami in India. Project to rebuild, equip and operate health centres in Sumatra.

Civil war in Sudan. Two-year project with mobile health units. Rebuilding, equipping and operating Health Centres in Darfur.

Algeria. Two-year project supporting the operation of health services and pharmacy for the needs of the Sahrawi population in the Tindouf region.

Operation of the Reception Centre for Vulnrerable Asylum Seekers in the center of Athens, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity and the National Solidarity Center, with a five-year programmatic cycle of implementation, under the European Refugee Fund (ERF).

“Hestia” Award from the Onassis Foundation. Médecins du Monde received the award on 3 November 2009 in Athens, at the closing ceremony of the Civil Society Forum 2009, for the operation of the Open Polyclinic.

Financial Recession in Greece. Responding to the needs, MdM develops and operates for the next decade 8 primary health care and psychosocial support structures in Athens, Thessaloniki, Perama, Chania, Patras, Piraeus, Halki and Folegandros.

Reception Centre in Sperchiada. Taking over the operation of the Temporary Accommodation Centre for Asylum Seekers in Ano Kallithea, Fthiotida, with a two-year implementation of the programmatic framework in cooperation with the National Centre for Social Solidarity.

Earthquake in Haiti. Humanitarian aid project lasting a total of 18 months. Deployment of medical teams delivering medical kits to meet the needs of those affected by the deadly earthquake in Haiti. Operation of an open clinic in the town of Petit-Goâve and development of a regional hospital with 45 beds.

Kivotos. Providing care for Refugees & Asylum Seekers in Patras and Igoumenitsa. Health care services, psychosocial support, legal assistance, under the Emergency Measures of the European Refugee Fund.

Night Shelter for the Homeless in the Municipality of Athens. Covering housing and living needs for the part of the population that cannot meet the basic housing needs. Aims to provide essential goods, support services and improve the quality of life of homeless people.

Response to the First Reception Points in Greece. Provision of Health Services to third country nationals in the framework of First Reception in Lesvos and Chios. Gradual development of multi-member teams to date, for the provision of Primary Health Care, Sexual Reproductive Health, Child Health and Psychosocial Support.

Enough Project. Advocacy and awareness-raising project against xenophobia and hate speech. Provision of comprehensive support and systematic recording of cases and provision of comprehensive support to the victims of racist violence, in cooperation with the Greek Council for Refugees.

Reception Centre for Vulnerable Asylum Seekers with a capacity of 70 seats in Athens with the Greek Council for Refugees and the educational center “Pyxida” as part of the implementation of the project “Support to Organisations assisting migrant populations of asylum seekers in Greece (SOAM)” with a four-year implementation cycle and 546 beneficiaries at the completion of the project.

Athens Academy Award. On 19 December 2014, MdM-Greece was awarded by the Academy of Athens for its contribution to the promotion of humanitarian care and social welfare in Greece and other countries.

Establishment of the Solidarity House for All. Operation of an Open Accommodation center that provided services to homeless people with emphasis to single-parent-families with children.

Reception Crisis in EU. MdM-Greece, from the very first moment, has been present and active offering enhanced services in the context of the new humanitarian crisis, while continuing to provide medical care and psychosocial support to third country nationals arriving in Greece.

Protection and Care for Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers. Development and operation of housing, educational, medical and psychosocial support services for unaccompanied children seeking asylum in Greece in cooperation with the International Organisation for Migration, the relevant European and national authorities. From 2016 to 2019, the services covered the protection needs of thousands of children both in urban areas and in structures in the Greek regions.

Open Minds Project. Design and implementation of the Open Minds project, which in addition to the provision of services, includes a series of advocacy activities and promotion of community and intercultural mental health in Greece, aiming to address the mental health risks of people in socio-economic disrepair.

Covid-19 pandemic. The operation and provision of health services continues uninterrupted. Facilitation of access to prevention for the most vulnerable groups of the population with rapid tests and Covid-19 vaccinations.

A Step Forward. Renovation and operation of the Open Accommodation Centre “A Step Forward” for Vulnerable Women Asylum Seekers and their children in the framework of which more than 220 women and children received services.

Earthquake in Elassona. First aid and visits to the villages affected by the earthquake. Distribution of hygiene kits and essentials to the homeless people living in the temporary camp.

Fires in North Evia. Development of a month-long action to support fire-affected households and strengthen the local Health System, serving more than 1.200 people.

War in Ukraine. First aid to displaced refugees on the border with Romania and humanitarian aid sent inside the country. Mobile health unit project, rebuilding and supporting local health systems and contributing to the reform of mental health services in the Community direction.

European Citizens’ Prize. Médecins du Monde Greece has been awarded the European Citizens’ Prize 2022 for its response to the humanitarian crisis following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Emergency Response for the flood affected people in Thessaly. Project for the immediate assistance of the affected communities and flood-affected residents.

European Health Leadership Award 2024. The European Health Forum in Gastein distinguished the “Active and Healthy Ageing 60+” project as the most relevant and effective in the “Shifting Demographics” theme for the year 2024.

Pediatrician - Neonatologist




Medical Doctor

Computer Programmer

Photojournalist / Photography Teacher
Consisting of 17 independent civil society associations, the International Network of Médecins du Monde shares a vision: a world where there are no longer any barriers to health and where health is recognised as a fundamental human right.
Guided by the same values of activism, empowerment, social justice, independence and balance, the members of the International Network are working together towards this vision and greater impact in the world.