Γιατροί του Κόσμου Ελλάδας-Annual Report 2015
Reports - 16.03.2016

Annual Report 2015

In 2015, Médecins du Monde Greece once again stood up for the most vulnerable groups, such as refugees, migrants, large or single-parent families, the mentally suffering, the homeless, the unemployed, the uninsured, the uninsured, pregnant women, children, the elderly, unaccompanied minors, drug or alcohol addicts, the Roma, etc.

A difficult year

The past year has been a very difficult and challenging year for Médecins du Monde Greece. A year full of challenges, upheavals, crises and changes. A year like every previous year for all of us who are on the front line in order to stay true to our principles and ensure that people have access to the right to health. When we talk about health, we mean the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being of the individual and not just the absence of disease or disability. Volunteer doctors, administrators, social workers, psychologists and nurses provided their services in the different programmes implemented in 2015 by Médecins du Monde Greece.

In 2015, the International Network of Médecins du Monde supported the Greek Delegation in the warmest way, with human and financial resources for the implementation of our projects within the country, demonstrating feelings of solidarity and offer in the difficult times that our country is going through.

The Board of Directors, the General Management, the Staff and the Volunteers of Médecins du Monde – Greece joined forces for another year in order to alleviate human suffering, providing medical services and psychosocial support services to those in need. With over 25 active projects, Médecins du Monde – Greece responded in 2015 to the intense crises experienced by our country, always relying on our medical expertise.

We spoke openly and in full independence against the obstruction of access to health, against the violation of human rights and dignity.

25 years of action

Médecins du Monde Greece, celebrating 25 years of humanitarian action, continues to implement emergency response and long-term development projects either on our own or in collaboration with other partners. Our main objective remains to ensure the right to health for every human being regardless of gender, religion, ideology or political belief.